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WSL下的WLinux系统,专为Windows 10创建的Linux版本

2018-09-23 10:32:54作者:ywnz稿源:云网牛站

在Windows 10系统中可以直接通过WSL来使用Linux操作系统,其中之一就是WLinux,它最初叫WinLinux,因为已经有相同名字的发行版,所以改名叫WLinux,它是一款专门针对使用WSL用户优化的新Linux发行版本,目前已经可以在WSL中找到并使用。

WSL下的WLinux系统,专为Windows 10创建的Linux版本






WLinux并不是免费的Linux发行版,它在Windows商店售价为134,当前立减57%,只需要58就可以使用到它。WLinux特性包括对多数Linux图形化程序提供支持、zsh shell、git、python 3.7(预安装)、wslu等开发工具,以及适用于Google Chrome、Visual Studio Code和pip3 for python等应用程序。WLinux开发团队还承诺,如果该版本有任何的BUG,将提供补丁修复,同时也保证WLinux的稳定运行及安全性,同时已经删除不必要的包,比如systemd。




WLinux is a fast open source Linux terminal and development environment for developers and pro-users built with Debian for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

WLinux is at it's core a custom Linux distro built from Debian stable specifically for use on WSL. While other distros are available for WSL, this is the first one specifically optimized for use on WSL. A number of WSL-specific features are enabled by default and additional enhancements are planned. WLinux is open-source and development occurs on GitHub.


A fast Linux terminal and development environment for developers and pro-users built on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10.

Popular development tools, including git and python3, are pre-installed. Additional packages can be easily installed via the apt package management system.

Out-of-the-box support for most Linux graphical apps with no need to configure display or libGL settings. Note: Requires a Windows-based X client, such as X410.

Pre-installed with wslu, a set of useful open-source utilities for interacting between Linux and Windows 10.

WLinux offers faster patching than any upstream Linux distro for WSL-specific bugs.

New features are actively added based on community interest, including paid bug and feature bounties.

A handful of unnecessary packages, such as systemd, have been removed to improve stability and security.



WLinux WSL页面

WLinux GitHub主页



WSL下的WLinux系统,专为Windows 10创建的Linux版本

WSL下的WLinux系统,专为Windows 10创建的Linux版本

WSL下的WLinux系统,专为Windows 10创建的Linux版本



在Windows 10中使用WSL能让你更快的用上Linux
