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Neptune 5.6发布下载,快速易用且基于Ubuntu的Linux系统

2018-11-06 08:39:46作者:符平稿源:云网牛站

Neptune以前叫ZevenOS,是一款基于Ubuntu的GNU/Linux桌面版本,当前Neptune 5.6发布下载,Linux内核更新至Kernel 4.18.6,进一步兼容到更多的硬件,该版本还更新了面向AMD/ATI和Intel的DDX驱动程序。Neptune 5.6版本仍然是一款提供快速易用的Linux系统,带有类似BeOS的用户界面和对老旧硬件的支持。


Neptune 5.6主要更新组件

Linux Kernel 4.18.6

Systemd 239

Network-Manager 1.14.4

Plasma 5.12.7

LibreOffice 6.1.3

Spellchecking should work now by default in Plasma (sonnet-plugins was missing from default install)

Kdenlive 18.08.2

Gwenview 18.08.2

Okular 18.08.2

Dolphin 18.08.2

Juk 18.08.2

Ark 18.08.2

Marble 18.08.2

audiocd-kio 18.08.2

ffmpegthumbs 18.08.2

kio-extras 18.08.1

Chromium 70

Thunderbird 60.2

Updated Plasma Addons to include a link to the spellchecking kcm from krunner plugin

Updated Plasma Workspace to include configure button for webshortcuts krunner plugin

Updated kio-extras to include fix for sftp hanging in certain situations

Wifi Firmware updates

X-Server Security Update (CVE-2018-14665)

Mesa 18.1.9

X-Server 1.19.6 (lot of bugfixes and speed improvements)

Intel DDX driver 2.99.917+git20180925

ATI/AMD DDX driver 18.1

Fixed Calamares not setting correct localization

Fixed Calamares not setting correct plymouth bootsplash



We are proud to announce version 5.6 of Neptune.

This update represents the current state of Neptune 5 and renews the ISO file so if you install Neptune you don't have to download tons of Updates.

In this update we improved hardware support further by providing Linux Kernel 4.18.6 with improved drivers and bugfixes. Updated the DDX drivers for AMD/ATI and Intel aswell as providing Mesa 18.1.9. The X-Server got an update to version 1.19.6 which fixes several bugs and brings speed improvements.

Neptune 5.6发布下载,快速易用且基于Ubuntu的Linux系统

Other main changes in this version are the update of Systemd to version 239  and KDE Applications to version 18.08.2. The Network-Manager got an update to 1.14 to improve wifi network stability and speed.

Plasma Desktop has been updated to 5.12.7 to provide bugfixes. 

This includes fixes for Krunner to allow setting the webshortcuts and spellchecking options for its plugins.

SFTP connections via KIO are now more stable and reliable even after reconnecting to a device.

Spellchecking in Plasma applications should work again.

Chromium 70 provides speed improvements and security bugfixes.

Thunderbird 60.2 improves security and speed especially with lots of emails.

LibreOffice is now available in version 6.1.3.

Wifi Firmware got an update to improve speed, stability and support for new Wifi chips.

Localization and Plymouth Splashscreen configuration have been fixed in the System Installer Calamares.





要求:1 Ghz Intel/AMD 64Bit CPU,1.6 GB RAM,8 GB HDD,64-Bit ISO ~ 2.1 GiB。



