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Elive 2.9.22 Beta发布下载,基于Debian的桌面Linux发行版

2018-01-08 15:28:37作者:周其稿源:开源中国

Elive 2.9.22 Beta 发布下载了,需要说明的是本版本为测试版本,请不要用于非常正式的运行环境。Elive,或者称为 Enlightenment live CD,是一款基于 Debian 的桌面 Linux 发行及自启动运行光盘,其特色在于使用 Enlightenment 窗口管理器。除了进行预配置并适合于日常桌面应用外,它还包含了“Elpanel”,一份面向简易系统及桌面管理的控制中心。Elive 是商业发行;尽管自启动运行光盘可免费下载获取,希望将其安装到硬盘的用户需要支付 15 美元以获得安装模块。

Elive 2.9.22 Beta发布下载,基于Debian的桌面Linux发行版

Elive 2.9.22 Beta发布下载,基于Debian的桌面Linux发行版


Elive 2.9.22 Beta更新内容

Keyboard typing to support special languages like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese. If you need an extra Ibus configuration contact us with the details needed

Network access to your local machines using hostname.local

Numpad always enabled option in installation

Desktop right click is assigned to an amazing launcher

Designs shadow fix, borders more white, less pixelated icons in menus, much improved menus and userfriendly, misc overall improvements

Userfriendly better organized menus, more friendly icons and names, improved description for the dock launchers






SparkyLinux 4.7稳定版发布下载,基于Debian "Stretch"版本
